Looking for ideas from our peers

For people living with a disability to empower themselves their voices need to be heard. Technology for Living works hard to promote independence and improve the quality of life for people with physical disabilities, and in order to improve we need to hear from you. 

The Simon Cox Student Design Competition aims to promote a user-centred approach to assistive technology design. One goal of the project is to develop assistive technologies by placing the user at the centre of the conception process. 

The best innovations start from a user need. The information you provide will inform the on-going adaptations of that technology to meet user needs.

Think of something that will improve your daily home life and we will try to set you up with a team of students to design a solution to your problem.

You also have a chance at winning one of 5 randomly drawn $100 gift cards if your idea is chosen for a project by a student team – to be drawn on the day of the competition.

The future of inclusion, accessibility, empowerment, and efficiency includes you!

And check out what TIL can do for you here.

Pop art inspired poster to advertise the Simon Cox Competition to peers


If you are not a TIL member please fill out the application form HERE.

Are you a member of TIL?

Do you consent to allowing TFL to share your contact information with a student team, should they wish to proceed with your project idea?

Each time you submit an idea for the Simon Cox Student Design Competition, you will be entered into a draw for a $500 gift card to be drawn on 26 April, 2026, the day of the event.

Generously Supported By

Odlum Brown Logo
Odlum Brown Logo